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Centre équestre du Poney Fringant

to Mojave download DB Solo 5.2.3

0 appréciations

Main category: Business
Sub category: Applications
Developer: DB Solo LLC
Filesize: 83968
Title: DB Solo

◊ 5.2.3 DB Solo

MongoDB - Schema Scripting Tool Added Apr 24, 2005 Though DB Solo 5.0.2 has been deleted to the Trash, its lingering files, logs, caches and other miscellaneous contents may stay on the hard disk. For complete removal of DB Solo 5.0.2, you can manually detect and clean out all components associated with this application. You can search for the relevant names using Spotlight. Those preference files of DB Solo 5.0.2 can be found in the Preferences folder within your user’s library folder (~/Library/Preferences) or the system-wide Library located at the root of the system volume (/Library/Preferences/), while the support files are located in "~/Library/Application Support/" or "/Library/Application Support/". Click Servers and then Add New Server. ~/Library/Caches


Featured to MacOS https://macpkg.icu/?id=24574&kw=ver.-5.2.5-db-solo-p8ek.zip

Version El Captan https://macpkg.icu/?id=24574&kw=VNLNU_6.2.3_DB_SOLO.APP

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Mostly Yes. Fails in design or rename of tables, views
Summary: This guide offers several approaches to uninstall DB Solo 5.0.2 on Mac. The manual ways require more time and skills to ensure a clean, complete uninstallation, while the automated uninstaller could handle any app removal smoothly and swiftly.
Yes, can also "send to SQL" to make select query.
DB Solo for Mac OS X

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High Sierra 3.3.15-qBitTorrent-9dgVX2.pkg [18192 kb] 4.0.4
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